Category: Direct Sales
Action is the Magic Key to Success
Join me on Episode 29 as I share my views on Action and how it is the Magic Key to Success. Jump into my PM or DM and let me know one thing you will take action on in your business in the next 30 days.
Unfolding Potential: Introvert to Influencer
Join Evelyn and I as we jump into her 24-year journey in direct sales. Learn how her confidence grew and how it took her from introverted to influencer. Join us for this great conversation.
It’s All About How You Leave Them Feeling
Join me as I chat with Gretchen, she shares her journey as a direct seller for 13+ years who followed her path and when she was ready blossomed into a successful Leader.
Growth Happens When You Become Uncomfortable
Join us Marcia shares how she joined her company because of how their core values aligned with hers. Which allows her to unleash her superpower and build connections with her customers.
If I Would Have Only Known This 18 Years Ago
Come and join me as a share some things that I wish I could have know and questions that I wish I would have asked when I started my first direct sales business 18 years ago.
Know Your Worth with Rachel Perry
Join Rachel Perry, Host of the Direct Seller’s Podcast, Business Coach and Direct Seller with 18 years of experience. Rachel shares tips and tricks for making 3 to 5 K without partying. She also dives into the power of speaking to your Top 1%.
Are You Open for Business?
Join Lori as she shares her mission to coach women in network marketing and social media to build sustainable and scalable businesses around super busy lives. Jump in a learn what Lori’s non-negotiables are for growing your business on social.
‘Perfection is the Enemy of Done!’
Join Linda as she shares her story and journey into the world of direct sales. She shares her proudest moment of being awarded the Caring and Sharing award at the national conference and her power as a public speaker.
It’s All About the AI
Kerry shares her story of how she discovered direct sales and how she chose Pampered Chef. We also chat about our obsession with AI and how it can be a benefit to your direct sales business, with a few tips on what to avoid along the way.
Action Creates Motivation
Join my friend, Anita, with 29 years of industry experience. She will inspire you to find your beliefs and never stop learning. Anita truly believes that everyone in this business has something good to share, find your strength and GROW from there. Be sure to listen in as she shares some amazing insight into how…