Ok, I am just going to start out by telling you that I have been in direct sales for 16+ years and I have had this system in place in my business for more than half that time and honestly haven’t truly realized the power of it until just a few years ago. I know when I tell you what it is, you might say – ‘but my company send one out’ or ‘I don’t know enough people. What I am going to tell you is that it doesn’t matter and it is the perfect time to start.
Think about this
How do you typically connect with your group of customers? I know most of you are probably saying right now – social media. You most likely have a VIP group and special community, but what happens if and when FB goes down or you get hacked on IG and they close your accounts down. Trust me I have seen this happen. You don’t own this platform and will never have rights to your contacts or content.
This is why as a direct seller it is very important to build your email list. Email marketing is alive and kicking and a great way to reach your customers and provide them with exceptional customer service.
Building the know, like and trust factor
Use you email to allow your customers to get to know, like and trust you. You don’t want to be thought of as the girl that sells me Tupperware, so don’t just try and sell to them. Do send out emails that share monthly specials, but you must also send emails that provide value. Share information about your favourite products and even embed a video showing them how you use it. Experiences sell, so if you can share how your products will help make your customers life easier, they will buy it.
Remember, no one said an email had to be 10 paragraphs long with tons of graphics and calls to action. You could simply send out an email, if you are in the food industry, sharing a recipe for a new product that you just tried and your family loved. These are the emails that are going to be read.
Don’t forget to automate
Email marketing is designed to save you time. Did you know that most email providers allow you to automate messages, so for example, when a new contact joins your email list they can get added to automated series that will drip out a set number of emails to them over a specified period of time? I love using Welcome email automation as it allows me to tell my new customer/lead a little more about me, my business and how I can help them.
That heart dropping unsubscribe
When you are using an email marketing service like ConvertKit (my service of choice) your subscribers will always have the option to unsubscribe from your list. It can make your stomach turn when you see a name pop up, but just remember they are not your people and it is okay that they left. Brush it off and focus on all the other wonderful people you still have and provide those people with exceptional customer service.
The fine-print: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and make a purchase I’ll receive a small commission at no additional expense to you. Please know that although there are a ton of companies out there with affiliate programs, we only promote those that we currently use or have used in the past, and that we love and think will deliver value to you, as well. We have not been given any free products, services or anything else by these companies in exchange for mentioning. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions.
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