Why Pinterest
You probably have gone to Pinterest for recipes and DIY ideas but never thought about using it for business. That is until now. You need to know what a powerful search engine Pinterest is.
One thing I have discovered about Pinterest is, it is not for the faint at heart. It is an ever-changing platform that highly discourages the copy-and-paste content that we see in direct sales on all other platforms. Pinterest is where you go when you want to set yourself and your brand apart from others.
Do you have a Brand?
When I ask if you have a brand, I am not talking about the company that you represent. I am talking about you personally. How do you show up for your customers and potential leads? What makes you stick out from all other consultants in your company? It is important to find your brand, especially if you are planning on growing your direct sales business on Pinterest.
3 Things to do to get started on Pinterest
- Brand yourself – Brand yourself and start a business account. You need to be able to share what makes you different from all the other consultants in your company? Why should customers choose you over Jane the consultant down the street?
- Get a Website – Nope not the website that your company provides. I am talking about a real website where you can share your thoughts and passion about your products and let your brand shine. Check out OhMyHi, this drag-and-drop website platform is designed with the direct seller in mind.
- Start a Blog – Use the blog to share some great tips, how-to’s, your story, etc. This content is going to help you get seen faster on Pinterest. Guess what? OhMyHi also has a Blog!
Pinterest is not like other platforms
People who use Pinterest are planners. They are not looking for click-now and shop options, they want value. If you were a food consultant and wrote a post about taking the stress out of mealtime. The Pinterest user will SAVE to their recipe board for later and revisit it when mealtime has become stressful. They will then click your blog, read your tips and buy the time-saving cookware that you recommended.
Pinterest users are always one step ahead and you really need to think like a retailer when sharing content. Unlike other platforms where your content has a shelf life of 7 minutes – 24 hours. Pinterest will show your content for months, so Christmas and gift-giving content should be hitting your boards in mid-October (always check the trends in your area for an accurate time frame for pinning).
I highly recommend diving into the world of Pinterest. This ever-changing platform can help you build your brand and reach, the key is diving in and understanding the how. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks when it comes to Pinterest.
The fine-print: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and make a purchase I’ll receive a small commission at no additional expense to you. Please know that although there are a ton of companies out there with affiliate programs, we only promote those that we currently use or have used in the past, and that we love and think will deliver value to you, as well. We have not been given any free products, services or anything else by these companies in exchange for mentioning. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions.
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