One thing that I know for sure is everyone should try the direct sales model at least once in their lifetime. Don’t get me wrong, I will be the first to admit that this business is not for everyone, but you will never know until you try it. 16+ years ago, when I was first introduced to direct sales, I was a new mom with very low self-esteem. I was not your typical picture of a direct seller, I was a self-proclaimed introverted introvert, lol – not sure if that is even a thing, but it is the best way that I could describe how I felt. Getting in front of people to talk made me sick to my stomach, but I found my passion. This passion was bigger than the fear that was holding me back. I could see the potential that the business had to offer.
Look how far I have come!
When I look back at how far I have come it is almost surreal. I would have never imagined seeing myself in this industry 16+ years later, let alone on a popular podcast, but I am so thankful for the opportunity that this business has presented me. I am absolutely amazed at the growth that has come from my decision to join this industry.
Click here to listen to the podcast
Are you looking modern training, strategies and systems to empower direct sellers to build a profitable and sustainable business. Click here to join me in the Modern Direct Seller Academy.
“Prior to 2020, even though I am a ‘techy’ person, I never puled the tech side into my business. So I had to pivot my business completely from in-person live events to all things tech.”
Transitioning to running my business 100% online was scary, but truly a gift. I feel like I felt 16+ years ago, I found a renewed passion for my business and the industry. I think back and wonder where my business would be if I would have known then what I know now.
My why behind Digitally Direct
Along with reigniting my passion with the industry. I discovered my love for training and sharing my knowledge with others in this industry, but also realize that there is a gap. This information to grow virtual wasn’t available through my up-line, nor did my company have a training data bank. I spent many long hours searching the web and trying new things. My goal with Digitally Direct is to create a one stop resource hub for you to find all that you need to take your business to the next level.
SPOILER ALERT – I am working on a course that will take you for a deep dive into Pinterest for Direct Sellers, this is an amazing platform that is not used to it’s fullest potential. JOIN THE WAITLIST for my Pinterest For Direct Seller Beginner Course Launching early 2023.
The fine-print: This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and make a purchase I’ll receive a small commission at no additional expense to you. Please know that although there are a gazillion companies out there with affiliate programs, we only promote those that we currently use or have used in the past, and that we love and think will deliver value to you, as well. We have not been given any free products, services or anything else by these companies in exchange for mentioning. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions.
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