Episode 52 Transcript
Hey everyone, it is me, Lisa, and welcome back to another episode of The Other 99%. I am super excited—and I say that every episode—but I am super excited for this one. Today, I have with me the Core 4. You guys have heard me talk about these ladies on a number of different podcasts. I don’t think I would be where I am today without them.
I absolutely love them to pieces. And while we’ve never met in person, it feels like we know each other inside and out. I want you guys to meet them and see how fabulous they are. Our goal today is to share a little bit about collaboration—what makes our group so great and unique. I hope you get a lot out of this episode. So, I’m going to jump over to Sammi.
Sami: Thanks for having me. I’m Sami with Color Street, and I’m probably the newest to direct sales in the group. I’ve loved learning so much from everyone, but I do have a marketing background. I’ve enjoyed blending that with what I’m doing now. I’m so grateful to be here and share what I can.
Lisa: Awesome. Susan, how about you?
Susan: I feel like we’re the Fantastic Four—like a superhero group. This is so much fun. Thank you for having us, Lisa. I’m Susan Larimer with Lemongrass Spa Products. I’ve been with Lemongrass for 11 years. I live in Southern New Jersey, and I focus on skincare and teaching women how to take care of their skin in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. This group has been fantastic, and I’m excited to share.
Lisa: Hillary, let’s jump over to you.
Hillary: My name is Hillary Barbati, and I live in Webster, New York—between Buffalo and Syracuse. I was with Thirty-One Gifts for almost 11 years, but unfortunately, they closed their doors last month. I couldn’t stay away from direct sales, so I’ve joined Jordan Essentials. They have amazing skincare products fortified with magnesium and essential oils, which benefit your body from the inside out.
Lisa: Thank you all for being here. You’re all such amazing women with so much to share. One of the things I love about our Core 4 group is how we come from different companies but have created such a strong bond. Let’s talk a little about what makes collaboration work for us. Sammi, do you want to start?
Sami: Sure! I think what makes our group so strong is trust. We trust that when one of us shares something, whether it’s a win or a struggle, the rest of us will support, not judge. We also respect each other’s differences. Each of us runs our business in unique ways, and instead of competing, we learn from one another.
Susan: I totally agree. I think the lack of competition is key. We all come from different companies, so there’s no overlap in what we sell. That allows us to collaborate freely and share ideas without worrying about stepping on each other’s toes. We can brainstorm and be creative together because we know we’re rooting for each other.
Hillary: I’ll add that we celebrate wins—big or small. If one of us gets a big sale or recruits a new team member, we cheer for each other as if it’s our own success. That positivity is contagious and keeps us motivated.
Lisa: Absolutely. I love that about us. There’s no jealousy or competition, just pure support. Another thing I’ve noticed is how we hold each other accountable. If someone says, “I’m going to do this,” the rest of us check in and make sure it happens.
Sami: Yes, accountability is huge. But it’s not just about pushing each other—it’s about encouragement. If someone’s having a tough week, we lift them up instead of letting them stay stuck.
Lisa: That’s so true, Sami. Collaboration isn’t just about sharing wins—it’s about being there through the tough moments too. I remember when I was struggling with my email marketing strategy. I felt stuck, but you all jumped in with ideas and helped me figure it out.
Susan: I remember that! And it’s a perfect example of how we leverage each other’s strengths. Each of us brings something unique to the table. Sami, with your marketing background, you’re incredible at creating engaging campaigns. Hillary, you’re amazing at systems and organization. Lisa, your digital expertise is such a gift, and I love how you teach us new tools.
Hillary: And Susan, you’re our mindset guru. You always have the best advice to keep us grounded and focused. It’s like we each fill a different role in the group, which makes us stronger together.
Lisa: Yes, we complement each other so well. That’s what makes the Core 4 so special. It’s not just about collaboration; it’s about synergy. We’re better together.
Sami: I think that’s why collaboration gets such great results. When you bring different perspectives together, you can create something amazing. It’s about being open to learning and growth.
Lisa: Exactly. And I think this applies to anyone in direct sales. You don’t have to do it alone. Find your people—the ones who support you, challenge you, and lift you up.
Lisa: So, as we wrap up, let’s each share one tip or piece of advice for anyone listening who wants to build a collaborative group like ours. Sami, you want to go first?
Sami: Sure! My advice is to focus on trust. Collaboration can’t work if there’s any sense of competition or judgment. Build relationships with people you trust and who genuinely want to see you succeed.
Susan: I’d say find people who bring different strengths to the table. Collaboration works best when everyone contributes something unique. Look for people who complement your skills, not just those who think exactly like you.
Hillary: I’ll add this: consistency matters. Make time to connect regularly, even if it’s just a quick check-in. Our group thrives because we’re consistent with our communication and always make each other a priority.
Lisa: Great advice. For me, it’s about being open to learning and growth. Collaboration is about listening as much as it’s about sharing. Be willing to learn from others and try new things—that’s where the magic happens.
I just want to say a huge thank you to each of you. The Core 4 has been such a gift in my life, and I hope this episode inspires others to find their own collaboration partners.
To everyone listening, thank you for tuning in. If you’re not already part of a collaborative group, I encourage you to start looking for one. It could be the game-changer your business needs.
This episode of The Other 99% podcast has been brought to you by Spice It Up with Lisa Duck. If you’re looking for quick, delicious, family-friendly meals, let Epicure help you put dinner on the table in 20 minutes or less. Visit spiceitupwithlisaduck.com and use promo code EPIC15 for 15% off your first order.
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If you’d like to be a guest on the podcast, visit lisaduck.com and click “Be a Guest.” I’d love to hear your story. Until next time, take care, and keep collaborating!
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