Category: Episode Transcripts
Sleigh Your Business: Working Through the Holiday Season
Join me and my fellow Leaders with almost 200 years of direct sales experience. Dive in and listen to each Leader’s best tip for the upcoming Holiday Season.
Get Your Biz Holiday Ready
Join me on this episode as I share 10 tips to help you get your business Holiday ready. Tip 1 – Grab Items to Display and Share How they can be used for the Holiday TIP 2 – Create a Holiday Marketing Plan TIP 3 – Personalize Your Customer…..
Who’s the Hero in Your Story?
Join Susan and I as we chat about a book we have both been reading called – Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller. We share some of our takeaways from the book and offer ways to incorporate it into your business.
Direct Sales: A Season, A Reason or A Lifetime
Join Sally as she shares about her 45+ years in the direct sales field and how this business can be part of your life for a season, a reason or a lifetime.
Just Figure it Out!! with Kimberly Piluto
Join Kimberly as she talks about the importance of working your business, your way. Find your passion let it guide you and just figure it out!
When Your Business is So Much More than a Paycheck
Join Joanne as she shares how she works her business authentically with her family and community. Joanne takes pride in listening to her customer’s needs which is what makes her business successful.
Let’s Talk About Text Baby!
In this week’s episode join me as I share about my recent 6-week text automation workshop. I talk about some topics like keywords and campaigns. If you are looking for a system to service your customers this episode about text marketing might be worth a listen.
Whatever You Do, Do It With A Smile
Meet Shelly, she is a grandma who has been doing direct sales since her 20’s. Her passion for learning and her willingness to show up is what keeps her business growing. Come listen to her story.
Action is the Magic Key to Success
Join me on Episode 29 as I share my views on Action and how it is the Magic Key to Success. Jump into my PM or DM and let me know one thing you will take action on in your business in the next 30 days.
Unfolding Potential: Introvert to Influencer
Join Evelyn and I as we jump into her 24-year journey in direct sales. Learn how her confidence grew and how it took her from introverted to influencer. Join us for this great conversation.