Just a Few Questions Before We Chat!

I look forward to having you as a guest on the Podcast
[FORM] Podcast Guest Pre-Interview

From time to time, I may send out special thank-you gifts as a token of my appreciation. While gifts aren’t guaranteed, I love to surprise my valued guests whenever possible.

I will be promoting the Other 99% Podcast on Facebook and Instagram and would appreciate your help promoting your episode. I will provide you with marketing content the day your episode airs.

If you have not yet scheduled your podcast interview, select a time on my calendar at: https://tidycal.com/lisaduck/the-other-99.  I schedule 60 minutes, but we will only record about 30 minutes. 


We will record your session on Zoom. The link will be sent to your email once you book your time slot.


If you have headphones with a mic (similar to what came with your phone), that is ideal to ensure great sound quality, but not necessary.


I look forward to chatting with you soon, 