Episode 55 Transcript

Welcome to The Other 99% Podcast

I’m your host, Lisa Duck, a coffee-loving direct sales enthusiast who’s obsessed with a good digital system. Come join me for a realistic look into the world of direct sales. We’ll explore inspiring perspectives, learn about unique business tips, and celebrate success stories that often go untold. Because on The Other 99%, every seller matters.

Lisa: Hey everyone, it’s me, Lisa, and welcome back to another episode of The Other 99%. I am excited to have my friend Robin here with me today. I first met Robin through Oh My Hi, which is an amazing website platform. (There’s more information about that in my show notes if you’re interested!) Then we connected again when she joined the Modern Direct Seller Academy at the VIP level, so we’ve had a lot of interaction as we navigate her website and all that fun stuff.

Robin, I’m so excited to have you here! Jump in and tell the listeners a little bit about yourself—who you are, what you do, and what led you to join direct sales.

Robin: First of all, thanks for having me! I’m so excited to be here. I have to fangirl over you just one more time! I was so excited when I found out I was going to be on your podcast.

But okay, my fangirl moment is over (for now!). My name is Robin Garcia, and I’m with Pampered Chef. I was a teacher for 27 years before retiring a couple of years ago. I have a wonderful husband, three incredible sons who are now grown men (but still my boys!), and one adorable fur baby who is basically my fourth child.

Having three boys—two of whom played baseball and select baseball—I was always on the go, and I became the drive-thru queen. I look back now and realize I did my kids a bit of a disservice when it came to home-cooked meals. My husband too, but he’s an adult, so he managed!

I was invited to Pampered Chef parties multiple times and always said no. I thought, Why would anyone think I belong at a Pampered Chef party? Cooking wasn’t my thing back then. But one day, I finally went to a party, and everything changed.

Lisa: So what was it that finally pulled you in? Was it the products?

Robin: Oh, absolutely. My consultant, who is now my director, made a pasta dish using this incredible tool called the Rockcrok. I call it the magic pot because you can use it literally anywhere, and the best part? It’s dishwasher safe—which is basically my love language.

Not only was the dish quick to make, but it looked so easy as she demonstrated it. Then we got to taste it, and I was blown away. I sat quietly in the back (because that’s how I am at first), just observing. But in my head, I was thinking, I could make that. At that moment, being a consultant wasn’t even on my radar, but I was sold on the products.

Lisa: Was the Rockcrok in the starter kit?

Robin: No! I know, right? I wanted it so badly. But what did appeal to me was the idea that I could make some extra money. With kids in sports and college coming up, that was a big deal for me. It took me six months of thinking it over before I finally said, Okay, I’m going to do this. And now, here I am, eight and a half years later!

Lisa: Wow, eight and a half years! So tell me, in all that time, have you ever thought about quitting? And if so, how did you overcome it?

Robin: Oh, absolutely. There was one serious moment when I almost walked away. A friend of mine, who was also a Mary Kay consultant, hosted an in-home party for me. I assumed she knew the drill, so I didn’t host coach her properly—a huge mistake.

When I showed up at her house and saw that it was just her, her husband, and her two daughters—no other guests—I was thinking, Are you kidding me? Of course, I stayed positive on the outside, but internally, I was spiraling.

Instead of treating it like a failure, I decided we’d make the best of it. We played with the products, cooked, and enjoyed the food. But on my way home, I kept thinking, Maybe this isn’t for me. Then I had a reality check: One, that was your fault, Robin. You didn’t host coach properly. Two, do you really want to quit?

Instead of giving up, I ran a contest in my VIP group (which was tiny at the time—maybe 15 or 20 people). I asked them to invite friends who actually enjoyed cooking or wanted to make their kitchen life easier. That small contest gave me the momentum I needed, and from that moment on, I never looked back.

Lisa: I love that story because we’ve all been there! I once showed up to a party where only the host was there, and the house was… let’s just say not the cleanest. I ended up leaving some samples and catalogs and walking right back out. I remember sitting in my car thinking, What am I doing? But I kept going, and I have zero regrets.

Lisa: One of the biggest surprises for me in this business has been the community. I started for the money—no shame in admitting that! But I stayed for the people. Has that been the case for you too?

Robin: 100%! The friendships I’ve built through Pampered Chef, Oh My Hi, and the Modern Direct Seller Academy have been incredible. I’ve met people I wouldn’t have otherwise, and we celebrate each other’s successes. I never expected that.

Lisa: Yes! I’ve made friends from all over the world, and I see them posting pictures from company trips, holding their products on the beach, and I just giggle. The friendships are amazing.

Lisa: If you were talking to someone brand new to direct sales, what’s the one piece of advice you’d give them?

Robin: Don’t overthink it—just go for it. It’s so easy to talk yourself out of it, but you’ll never know unless you try. And never compare your journey to someone else’s. You don’t know what steps they’ve taken to get where they are. Comparison truly is the thief of joy.

Lisa: That’s such good advice. I struggled with comparison for years in my business. The moment I realized I just needed to be Lisa and not anyone else, things changed.

Lisa: What’s one strategy that has made the biggest difference in your business?

Robin: My website, my email list, and my blog! I finally started my blog! These tools help me provide top-notch customer service, which is everything in this business. Without my customers, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Lisa: I love that! Alright, I prepped you for this one—what’s your favorite quote or piece of advice you’ve received in your direct sales journey?

Robin: My favorite quote is from Wonder: “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.” This applies to business and life. Even when a customer or host is difficult, I remind myself to always choose kindness.

Lisa: That’s such a great reminder.

Lisa: Before we wrap up, where can people find you?

Robin: You can find me at robinspamperedpeeps.com—come check it out!

Lisa: Awesome! Robin, thank you so much for being here today. I know our listeners will love hearing your story.Closing Message

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